迦納啟動國家水產發展計畫迦納為提高漁民生產量,啟動國家水產發展計畫(GNADP) ;估計該五年綜合中程計畫耗資逾8,400萬美元,其中近66,000美元由政府提供,18,000美元剩餘款則向民間募集。GNADP計畫水產量能於2016年達10公噸。GNADP為水產業規劃一借錢個有效助於強化糧食及營養安全、增加工作機會及所得、經濟成長及減貧的藍圖。該計畫的地理資訊系統還能為漁民繪製有哪些區域適合養殖的指示圖;鼓勵民間單位為優先水產區內的漁民提供高品質種魚;協助更多漁民取得較優惠貸款。該計畫執行完成後,酒店工作有助於提升迦納商業水產養殖的市場佔有率,自2010年的28,440美元至2016年的362,000美元。預估現在每年的水產生產量為10,200公噸;2005年則為1,000公噸;2007年3,800公噸及2009年7,100公噸。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 9/2012,15 May 2012吳哥窟) NATIONAL AQUACULTURE DEVELOPMENT PLAN UNVEILEDGhana’s National Aquaculture Development Plan (GNADP) has been unveiled with the aim ofproviding the capacity for fish farmers to increase production. The plan targets 100,000 MT 591of fishfor the country by 2016. The GNADP provides a roadmap where aquaculture will contributesignificantly to food and nutritional security, employment generation, increased incomes, economicgrowth and poverty reduction.The 面膜implementation of the five-year comprehensive medium term plan would cost a little over US$84million. Close to US$66,000 would be contributed by the government while public investment takescare of the remaining US$18,000.The 澎湖民宿plan, among other objectives, aims at providing a geographic information system involving anindicative mapping of high potential aquaculture areas where fish farming is feasible. It is alsoexpected to facilitate increased supply 關鍵字廣告of high quality fish seed by the private sector to fish farmers inhigh priority aquaculture zones to be established. Furthermore, it would assist more fish farmers toaccess funds more easily on competitive terms for investment 帛琉in aquaculture business.When implemented, the plan is expected to increase the market share of commercial fish farming inGhana from US$ 28,440 in 2010 to an estimated US$ 362,000 in 2016.The current annual output from 新成屋aquaculture is estimated at 10,200 MT as compared to an output of1,000 MT in 2005; 3,800 MT in 2007 and 7,100 MT in 2009 respectively.

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